omg, i'm so sorry to all my fellow mates ! ahahaha , i know it's been age i didn't update adi lar.
sorry lar, too busy with those stupid assignments and then sometimes i'm even lazy to update adi mer. what to do ?! weiting mar, always like that wan
anyway, guess what ?! i'm working already, aiyo, just part time lar, i need to save money to go new zealand ! it's call H2O !! it's a bubble tea shop, bubble tea there is nice and cheap ! seriously it's so much cheaper compare to the one infront of taylors main campus !!!
oh yaya... nowadays i start meeting sueann adi ! hahaha so happy to hangout with high school mates man ! i can tell u that i don't really like my uni life ! not only because of those stupid assignments that bothers me, but also friends ! =.= you won't understand adi hanging out with bunch of weirdos !! hahaha... always being left behind... i always thinks that i'm EXTRA wan !! luckily i have ching !! hahahaha .. she's so good lar ! aiyo.. i think she understand what i feel !
i've been going out too many these days from thursday nite till tonite ! wow... just now when i tell my mum i'm going out she say i didn't see you for few days adi !! >_< omg... sorry mummy, but i just wanna release my stress... okay okay i know it's just an excuse =p mind me ...
okok.. actually i have many things to say lar ! for example, i realise that if one people lies to you they get their KARMA !! good for him.. damn him ! why the hell lie to me ! serve you right then =.= not i want to curse him, but i seriously HATE people telling lies to me lar ! i mean who will like it right ? what's so hard to say the truth ?! =.=
i will upload some pictures after this !! jo jo jo !! i know you long time didn't see me adi... i let you see how i look like now !! hahaha i'm so perasan !!! =p
can't wait to go out now ! woohooooo.... i'm waiting for my holidays ! muahahaha =p
*ps: don't trust people with sweet talk ! hahaha, you will realize how wrong issit. =p