Wednesday, March 24, 2010

a morning update

the working life over here is really killing me.
not only because i'm sooo tired with my job, but i'm so lazy and have no time to update my blog
i feel so sorry for my camera, cause i'm so lazy to bring 'her' out to take more pics.
blame it to my laziness !
i know i should take more for memories purpose.
but i just can't help it !
imagine u have friends/housemates that bring their camera all the time
eventually u will think that 'u will be able to grab it from them =p'
anyway just a slight update of me

me, in dolly's
the food over there is quite nice
this pic is kinda long ago.
it was before my lovely roommate head to puerto rico
it was the morning before she head to meet up her bf
sort of like a 'farewell' before she leave this town.
i would like to go there again when we have time
but as usual, it's very hard for all 4 of us to have the same schedule
so sad....
another old pic of us.
it was a farewell for Ellefy.
we miss her so much, cause Nikita really sucky
not responsible and he's always late =(
we have to tell him that we're working earlier so that he will pick us up earlier too

Ellefy with her crazy pose
4 of us are suppose to take pic together
for our memory
but! it's kinda hard to take picture with only 4 of us
because ppl will just jump in and join us !
no doubt they are fun ppl !!!

the whole gang before leaving the club -- Ultra

this picture is kinda old
most of them have left here and back to their own country.

time passes really fast !
can't imagine that after i'm back from Orlando, i will only left another 3-4 weeks here.
obviously i only miss the ppl that's here, definitely not the job over here.
come to think about it, i really dislike my agent so much ><
although she did send 1 email to ask us how issit going.
but oh well, no one bothers to reply her i guess.
i'm starting to miss here already ><

ps: counting days --- 1 day and i'm heading to ORlando !!!