Saturday, October 23, 2010

Movies Freak

I'm glad that I'm updating my blog more often than I thought. Probably I'm too free and I have nothing much to do, so here I am blogging what I've been doing the passed few days.
I've been going for movies since Wed till Fri!
Blame to the movies that are showing right now! Everything seems so nice to me, and being a freak like me, I make sure I watched it.

Went for RED on Wed in Midvalley. I always love Bruce Willis movie, it's an action movie. I still love him more in Armagedon. It just makes me cry no matter how many times I've watched it.

Thurs, went for movie again 'Life as we know it'. Honestly, I've been waiting this movie for such a long time. Hamfish must be really frus! I've been bugging to watch this since foreva! Forgive me >.<

Suppose to drink on a Friday night, but being a good girl (maybe not =p), I choose to watch movie instead. You Again, another chiq flick movie. Funny movie, I've been laughing through out the whole movie.

I've been eating alot nowadays, can't really control myself. I'm down with sore throat, it's killing me terribly. But I can' t help but still eating foods that I shouldn't be!

Will stop here, heading out real soon. XOXO =D

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